
class django_htmx.middleware.HtmxMiddleware[source]

This middleware attaches request.htmx, an instance of HtmxDetails (below). Your views, and any following middleware, can use request.htmx to switch behaviour for requests from htmx. The middleware supports both sync and async modes.

See it action in the “Middleware Tester” section of the example project.

Set the Vary header for cacheable responses

If you set HTTP caching headers, ensure any views that switch content with request.htmx attributes add the appropriate htmx headers to the Vary header, per Django’s documentation section Using Vary headers. For example:

from django.shortcuts import render
from django.views.decorators.cache import cache_control
from django.views.decorators.vary import vary_on_headers

def my_view(request):
    if request.htmx:
        template_name = "partial.html"
        template_name = "complete.html"
    return render(request, template_name, ...)


If you are type-checking your Django project, declare request.htmx as below in any custom HttpRequest classes, per the pattern in django-stubs.

from django.http import HttpRequest as HttpRequestBase
from django_htmx.middleware import HtmxDetails

class HttpRequest(HttpRequestBase):
    htmx: HtmxDetails
class django_htmx.middleware.HtmxDetails[source]

This class provides shortcuts for reading the htmx-specific request headers.


True if the request was made with htmx, otherwise False. Detected by checking if the HX-Request header equals true.

This method allows you to change content for requests made with htmx:

from django.shortcuts import render

def my_view(request):
    if request.htmx:
        template_name = "partial.html"
        template_name = "complete.html"
    return render(request, template_name, ...)
Return type:


boosted: bool

True if the request came from an element with the hx-boost attribute. Detected by checking if the HX-Boosted header equals true.

You can use this attribute to change behaviour for boosted requests:

def my_view(request):
    if request.htmx.boosted:
        # do something special
    return render(...)
current_url: str | None

The current URL in the browser that htmx made this request from, or None for non-htmx requests. Based on the HX-Current-URL header.

current_url_abs_path: str | None

The absolute-path form of current_url, that is the URL without scheme or netloc, or None for non-htmx requests.

This value will also be None if the scheme and netloc do not match the request. This could happen if the request is cross-origin, or if Django is not configured correctly.

For example:

>>> request.htmx.current_url
>>> # assuming request.scheme and request.get_host() match:
>>> request.htmx.current_url_abs_path

This is useful for redirects:

if not sudo_mode_active(request):
    next_url = request.htmx.current_url_abs_path or ""
    return HttpResponseClientRedirect(f"/activate-sudo/?next={next_url}")
history_restore_request: bool

True if the request is for history restoration after a miss in the local history cache. Detected by checking if the HX-History-Restore-Request header equals true.

prompt: str | None

The user response to hx-prompt if it was used, or None.

target: str | None

The id of the target element if it exists, or None. Based on the HX-Target header.

trigger: str | None

The id of the triggered element if it exists, or None. Based on the HX-Trigger header.

trigger_name: str | None

The name of the triggered element if it exists, or None. Based on the HX-Trigger-Name header.

triggering_event: Any | None

The deserialized JSON representation of the event that triggered the request if it exists, or None. This header is set by the event-header htmx extension, and contains details of the DOM event that triggered the request.